FAQs About Hyperpigmentation

FAQs About Hyperpigmentation

If hyperpigmentation is impacting your skin and confidence, the team at Gardens Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL can help you find the right treatment for your needs.

Hyperpigmentation FAQs

Everyone wants beautiful skin, but many suffer from dark patches that get in the way of this goal. Below are some common questions about this condition and how to treat it.

What is hyperpigmentation and what causes it?

Pigmentation is the coloring of your skin. Generally, with the exception of a tan, your pigmentation will appear the same all over the body.

Hyperpigmentation is when patches of the skin look darker than the rest. It occurs when something triggers the melanocytes to produce more melanin. The trigger can include an injury to the skin, acne, certain medications, changes in the hormones, environmental factors, skin conditions like eczema, prolonged exposure to the sun, and more. Makeup can also cause hyperpigmentation if it’s used consistently and not properly used.

Can hyperpigmentation be treated?

The answer isn’t quite as simple as the question seems. Can you get rid of dark patches? Yes, though they can take some time to fade away. However, it’s not something that you can treat once and never deal with again. New dark patches can form, which will require treatment again.

How can a dermatologist help?

One essential way our dermatologist can help is in determining the cause of your dark spots, as the cause can greatly impact the success of treatments. For example, if a skin condition is at the root, that condition needs to be treated. If a skin care product is to blame, a dermatologist can help you find a safe alternative or tweak your beauty routine.

Additionally, our dermatologist can prescribe medication, when necessary, and even provide options like laser treatment or chemical peels for faster results. The bottom line is that a dermatologist can help you find the most effective treatment for your condition, skin type, lifestyle, and other factors.

Can It Be Prevented?

Though you might not be able to prevent every case of hyperpigmentation, there are ways to greatly lower your chances of developing it. And most of the steps require basic skin care. For example:

  • Wear sunscreen when you’re in the sun.
  • Use the safest skin care products for your skin type.
  • If you have acne or skin conditions, seek treatment.
  • Remove makeup at the end of the day.

To learn more about preventing and treating hyperpigmentation, call (561) 776-7041 to schedule an appointment with the experts at Gardens Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

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