Rosacea: Understanding and Managing the Redness and Flushing

Rosacea: Understanding and Managing the Redness and Flushing

Rosacea is a skin condition that affects 16 million Americans according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association. It is most common in women and patients who have lighter complexions, eyes and hair. Learn about the possible causes and how you can manage the symptoms with help from a skin professional who specializes in rosacea treatment at Gardens Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

Understanding Rosacea

A patient who is diagnosed with rosacea will likely have patches of redness on the face that look like heavy blushing. Blood vessels may also be visible under the skin and some patients develop pus-filled red bumps on the face as well. While there isn’t a definitive cause for rosacea, doctors have some theories for why symptoms are triggered including:

  • Too much time spent in the sun, especially without sunscreen.
  • Intense period of stress.
  • Hormonal changes or therapies.
  • Menopause.
  • Eating overly spicy foods or consuming too much alcohol.
  • Exposure to very hot or very cold temperatures.

Tips for Managing Redness and Flushing

When you identify what’s triggering your rosacea flare-ups, you can better manage and avoid the symptoms. Keep these tips in mind to help manage redness and flushing:

  • Reduce or pause your time spent in the sun until the symptoms subside. When you do go outside, use sunscreen throughout the day.
  • Spend your time in temperate environments (avoid very cold weather and sweltering heat whenever possible).
  • Lower or eliminate your consumption of alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, and foods that could be triggering symptoms.
  • Talk to our Palm Beach Gardens, FL dermatologist about modern rosacea treatment options.

How Can a Dermatologist Treat Rosacea?

While some patients choose to wait it out until redness and flushing fades, others choose to be more proactive by getting a dermatologist’s help. Treatment options a skin doctor may prescribe include oral antibiotics, topical skin creams and gels and laser therapy.

Better Skin Is a Phone Call Away

Rosacea can be a challenging skin condition to manage, but it gets easier when you have guidance from an experienced dermatologist. Call (561) 776-7041 today to schedule an appointment for rosacea treatment at Gardens Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

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